
About the Facilities

The Bessey Hall greenhouse and Pohl Conservatory encompasses over 12,000 square feet of growing space under glass with 21 rooms to house a conservatory plant collection, numerous plant species for instructional labs, and plants for various research programs and projects. The greenhouse was originally constructed in 1967, with some renovations occurring in the late 1980s to early 1990s. The greenhouses are computer-controlled to ensure proper environmental conditions to keep plants thriving, and each room can be adjusted for specific conditions. 

Visit Us

The greenhouses are free and open to the public from 8:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00am to 2:00pm on Fridays (excluding observed university holidays) for year-round enjoyment and can be accessed by using the elevator (Greenhouse is on Level R) in old Bessey Hall. Occasionally, the greenhouse will be closed down for pest-control measures or other maintenance-related items, so be sure to obey any signs that indicate you should not enter.

We do offer guided tours of the greenhouse facilities (can accommodate groups of up to 15 people) with the greenhouse manager. To schedule a tour of the facility, please contact the greenhouse manager at least two weeks in advance. 

Greenhouse ManagerKenny McCabe

Kenny McCabe

504A Bessey Hall



There are poisonous plants and plants that may cause allergic reactions so it is advised that you do not handle any of the material in the greenhouse. Also, some plants have been treated with pesticides and you should not ingest any plant material as there may be pesticide residues in or on plants.